I have A LOT of updates to do on both of my missionaries blogs... so here we go:
October 1st - This Week in the Offices!
Things from my personal study. I'm loving this conference its so incredible, I know that these men are prophets and apostles of the lord. I would invite every person that I know to ask or re-ask if these men are inspired of god. We have just made this same shift to go back to the basics in the mission I know that the lord has great plans instore for us to bring the members and the missionaries together in unity.
I want to invite you all to simplify. Love the marvelous the gospel.
How is it with us? “But what? What is it that needs our personal attention? As I read and ponder the scriptures and carefully consider the Lord’s counsel to His followers in every dispensation of time, it appears to me that the most important thing every one of us can do is to examine our own commitment and devotion to the Lord Jesus Christ. We must carefully guard against spiritual apathy and work to maintain the full measure of our loving loyalty to the Lord.”
2 Nephi 31:19 “And now, my beloved brethren, after ye have gotten into this strait and narrow path, I would ask if all is done? Behold, I say unto you, Nay; for ye have not come thus far save it were by the word of Christ with unshaken faith in him, relying wholly upon the merits of him who is mighty to save.”
I’ve been a little nervous that I have become spiritually apathetic despite the fact that I’ve been having more spiritual experiences than in my entire life. The truth is I have been the gospel has taken on new life and meaning in my life but it isn’t leading to the happiness that I know it should bring. Examining this talk brought me to realize the answer was right there for me all along I need to check my foundation and strengthen it if I hope to feel this joy.
Other things...
(2 Nephi 10:23-24) Therefore, cheer up your hearts, and remember that ye are free to act for yourselves—to choose the way of everlasting death or the way of eternal life. Wherefore, my beloved brethren, reconcile yourselves to the will of God, and not to the will of the devil and the flesh; and remember, after ye are reconciled unto God, that it is only in and through the grace of God that ye are saved. I love this verse because it helps me to see that we should be happy for the wonderful gift of agency that we have been given. I know that the lord loves us so much and that a demonstration of that love is this gift. If we want to be happier and more content with our lives we need to correctly exercise our agency.
(2 Nephi 28:21) And others will he pacify, and lull them away into carnal security, that they will say: All is well in Zion; yea, Zion prospereth, all is well—and thus the devil cheateth their souls, and leadeth them away carefully down to hell. This is how Satan tries to have us think so we will stop using our agency to the best of our ability. We must constantly be seeking to improve and take the things that people say as constructive guides that we have to move forward.
(2 Nephi 31:19) And now, my beloved brethren, after ye have gotten into this strait and narrow path, I would ask if all is done? Behold, I say unto you, Nay; for ye have not come thus far save it were by the word of Christ with unshaken faith in him, relying wholly upon the merits of him who is mighty to save. I know that this verse is a true warning and help to us as members, leaders, and children of God. We must be always striving to move forward in this life. I know that things are not done, it’s when we think that we have arrived that we are the farthest from our goal.
Isaiah 1:18 Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool. The lord wants to reason with us in a way that we can understand so that we can change and truly become what he wants us to become. The way that we reason with him is through revelation and the righteous exercise of our moral agency.
I love you all so much.
Elder Packham
September 24th- Miracles
This week I want to share two miracles that I had the privilege to see.
The first miracle that I would like to talk about was when we where with the new missionaries. So on the first day here in the mission we got out to teach with missionaries here in the mission so we can get our feet wet. So being in the offices we always have some missionaries come with us. As we were out with these missionaries on divisions (I was with one and my companion was with another) I felt the impression to pass by a less active members house thats never let us. She opened the window and told us that we should come back saturday, it seemed like a normal little avoiding tact. That wouldnt seem like much of a miracle until we came back that saturday and they came running to the door to let us in. As we went in the sister that had talked to us through the window had just gotten out of surgery and wanted a blessing very badly. She said that we were the answers to her prayer. Miracle.
The second was the strong feeling felt to give a blessing. We were teaching the only investigator that we have thats really progressing when we heard that one of her daughters is sick. In that moment I know that we had to give her a blessing. The thing about this daughter is that she says that she doesnt really believe in god, but the lord still wanted to show his merciful hand. We gave that blessing and had the privilege to see her get better the next day. She now says that she might not be able to say that God exists but she can say theres a higher power and we are his messengers. We are now working with her so she can accept shes a daughter of God.
The Will WithinFinally, a question came from an owlish little boy. “Mr. President,” he said, “was you popular when you was a boy?” The President looked at the boy and answered, “Why, no. I was never popular. The popular boys were the ones who were good at games and had big, tight fists. I was never like that. Without my glasses, I was blind as a bat, and to tell the truth, I was kind of a sissy.” The little boy started to applaud, and then everyone else did, too.” Our responsibility is to rise from mediocrity to competence, from failure to achievement. Our task is to become our best selves. One of God’s greatest gifts to us is the joy of trying again, for no failure ever need be final.
It amazes me the more I learn about this topic the more I understand its importance to me. I am amazed by who I am and the great potential I have as a son of God. The lord has given us a grand change here in this life as well, it isn’t one of great achievement, one of constant effort. Its my humble desire that I will be able to follow through with this effort through the love I have for him. I feel as though I haven’t been the most constant in my life and now is the moment for change. What is it going to require? In my case I think I need to relearn the true meaning and value of love. The connection with the Christian principles that it teaches in the 13 article of faith and throughout the scriptures are intrinsically connected with our divine nature.
I am an Adult nowI love this talk because it helps to illustrate the principle that we are taught in 2 Nephi 31:19-21. In the divine journey of becoming its never that we are there or not there it’s a continual process in which the lord is gradually refining, molding and helping us become the person that we can become. Oftentimes maturity can best be measured by our endurance. – DyC 122: 7-8
Self-judgment in any direction is a hazardous pastime. It is a fact of life that the direction in which we are moving is more important than where we are. I have never heard the best-educated ever declare, “I am educated now.” Some of the most potentially wise people in the world forfeit that classification when they spend their time advertising their abilities and knowledge rather than using their wisdom to improve themselves and help those with whom they associate.
I love you all,
Elder Packham

September 17th - Who Are We
So this week I would like to share with all of you about some things I've learned regarding who we are. I've been going over some talks by president monson when he first got called as a apostle as of several years back. It has amazed me his ability to help explain to people who they are and what is there potential in this life. Its so very easy for us to forget how great our potential really is.
I want to invite you all to read a talk by President Monson entitled:
Which road will you travel on? The road to anywhere is the road to nowhere, and the road to nowhere leads to dreams sacrificed, opportunities squandered, and a life unfulfilled. The toy boats of childhood had no keel for stability, no rudder to provide direction, and no source of power. Like the hitchhiker, their destination was “ANYWHERE,” but inevitably downstream. We have been provided divine attributes to guide our destiny. We entered mortality not to float with the moving currents of life, but with the power to think, to reason, and to achieve.
I testify to all of you that you do have a destination and its a glorious destination. We all may seem to be traveling different paths but if we understand that God has a greater plan for us then we will all be headed in the same direction. I know that it will require great effort and sometimes failures on that journey but we are never to far away from the Lords all powerful helping hands.
I want to share with you all a quote that President Monson uses in his talk and I would invite you to meditate over what hes teaching here: “Happiness is the object and design of our existence; and will be the end thereof, if we pursue the path that leads to it; and this path is virtue, uprightness, faithfulness, holiness, and keeping all the commandments of God.”
So experiences that I would like to share with you all this week. I was talking to a elder the other day and we were discussing points of view on ministering and other things when the conversation seemed to get out of hand and the spirit left. The conversation quickly ended but the evaluation was just beginning, I learned so much that day from my mistaken mindset. I know that the lord is in this work I've seen it in the little things and the bigger things. He loves, watches over, and protects every single one of us no matter what our religious affiliation is, even if we are angry with him and dont believe he is there. I learned I must be better at seeing this Elder as God sees him and I invite you all to do the same.
I love you so much,
Elder Packham
September 3 - Time
I ran out of time again. Heres what I've been studying I invite you all to look it over and share your opinions sorry!!! :O
Love you!
Elder Packham
August 20th - Activites

So after many long weeks without pictures heres a bunch all at once. This week we went the pyramids of Teotihuacan and had a tour from a member there that related it all to the temple and the book of mormon it was so cool!
August 13th - 4 minutes
I have like no time to write today Im so sorry. I want to share with you all so many things...
I want you all to know that I love you so much and that God is your loving heavenly father.
I invite you all to read a talk by Tad R Callister called becoming a consecrated missionary and apply it to your lives in how you all can become consecrated members.
Things here have been crazy we just finished 3 zone conferences where we were asked to train and this next week we are going to start planning the training for the next 3 months.
I have pictures to send next week :)
Write me.
Love Elder Packham

August 6th - Love
Ive run out of time.
I love you all with all my heart.
God love you all so much and wants to be truly happy.
Look and you will find, Knock and he will open.
Elder Packham
New Asistant Letter
4 August 2016Dear Harris Family,
This letter is to inform you that your son, Elder Michael James Packham, has been assigned to serve as Assistant to the President in the Mexico Mexico City North Mission. Elder Packham, along with his companion, Elder Trinidad, will work in leading more than 120 missionaries throughout the entire mission.
Assistants carry a unique charge as leaders. They are the standard of excellence in the service of the Lord. They must show by their example that they are worthy, obedient, hard-working, and are striving consistently to be more like their Savior. Assistants are missionaries first - missionaries who bring many unto Christ.
I congratulate you on having such a fine son and thank you for having helped shape and prepare such an excellent missionary. Please continue to pray fervently for him so that he will be able to fulfill his responsibilities in a manner pleasing to the Lord. Know that your son has my full confidence, love, and support as he continues to grow and develop as a servant of the Lord.
President Todd Titensor
August 1st - Surprises
So this was super interesting. I really loved all the things that the lord has helped me understand better. I wish I could share with you all better all the things that I've learned in the mission because they really are amazing. I want to share with you something that I was doing in looking at the difference of caracters in the Book of Mormon, in specifically about Zeniff and the wicked king Benjamin the two kings and what made them different. Its interesting to look at these two characters in relation to the level of consecration that they were willing to give to the people. I want to ask you all what are you willing to give to the Savior?
I love you all. I want to invite you all to think about your covenants and what they mean to you. Do they have the same significance that they had before? Whats changed and why? I know that the covenants that I have made have become so much more signficant to me than they were when I first made them I understand and love them more fully. Of all the things that you could've chosen to do with your free agency you chose to follow the lord what courage, what love, and what a blessing you have.
If you could all read 2 Nefi chapter 2 and think about what relationship this would have with the consecration. Thats my invitation to you all. I love you and hope that you are all coming closer to the savior through the cleansing and sanctifying power of the holy ghost.
July 25th - ConsecratedSo I would like to share with everyone something that I have been studying again. I dont think that I could get to much of this subject it really has so much to do with all that we are going to be asked of by the lord. I know I'm lacking so much to be truly consecrated. Something that I hope that you will all feel is something that I learned, consecration is the way to greater
spiritual strength. I had the privledge of having an interview with my mission president to renew my temple recommend, I have never felt such joy in an interview because I know that I am trying my very hardest.
I want you all to know that the path to consecration starts with a decision and a step in the path of repentance. Maybe you think thats a strange first step but I know that if we really become more saintly then we must shove off from the natural man. I have seen such great progress as I've made that decision I know that I now am a man with more integrity that I can look people in the eye with out fear about what they will see because I know who I am. I invite you to take that first step and when you feel ready you can start with all the other steps.
Reflections on a Consecrated life.
I want to share with you an example of a great member missionary. We have started to eat in a local restuarant in our area thats owned by a member. She doesnt give us food free but she sure does help us find people! Its so funny people come into the restaurant to buy food and see us so they ask her, "Who are they?" She takes full advantage, turns to us every time and says, "Elders! He/She wants to know more about the mormons can you help her/him?" Its always interesting as we pull over a chair and start to talk to them sometimes they accept and sometimes they dont as much but everytime Im more and more impressed.
I love you all and I hope that we will all be able to take steps closer to our consecration together.
Elder Packham
July 18th - Doing What the Lord Wants
I have been thinking about DyC 117:12-13 I love that it was his sacrifice that was important not his gains. It made me think about the work that I was doing and what class of integrity and dependability I have. The world has changed so much from how it was, people used to be people of there word now we make so many excuses and reasons to not complete. I want to be an oliver granger maybe I wont do something incredible but I will be someone consecrated to lord that he can depend on.
Joseph Smith said "Before you joined the Church you stood on neutral ground. When the gospel was preached good and evil were set before you inviting you to serve them. When you joined this Church you enlisted to serve God. When you did that you left the neutral ground, and you never can get back on to it. Should you forsake the Master you enlisted to serve, it will be by the instigation of the evil one, and you will follow his dictation and be his servant."
I want to invite you all to listen to a song that really captured my attention (note you have to download it to hear it)
One by One. I really love the message that it shares with us.
I have seen so many miracles this week and I know its because there are so many people that are praying for me in my service. I just want to thank you for all that you do for me while Im here serving. I love you all so much.
Elder Packham
Sorry I dont have any pictures...
July 12th - What Christ Thinks of Me
I wanted to share with you all something that I have been meditating on this week. Its a talk called
what christ thinks of me. I have been thinking about this because a missionary in particular we are his representatives here in this part of the world and how am I doing in that responsibility. So I read this talk right before we went to church and partook of the sacrament and then again as we were preparing to go to the temple. I know I have so much to do and change to be closer to my savior but I know that the moment that I make the choice the lord will bless me and you. I love how he says, "Jesus’s call “Come, follow me” is not only for those prepared to compete in a spiritual Olympics. In fact, discipleship is not a competition at all but an invitation to all. Our journey of discipleship is not a dash around the track, nor is it fully comparable to a lengthy marathon. In truth, it is a lifelong migration toward a more celestial world."
Also something that I was looking at was a talk called
A pattern of peace. I loved this talk so much especial as I was preparing to go to the temple. I know that in this life its so very difficult to find peace but we have such a great advantage we have the PRINCE OF PEACE! One of my favorite parts was, "In our search for peace amidst the daily challenges of life, we’ve been given a simple pattern to keep our thoughts focused on the Savior, who said: “Learn of me, and listen to my words; walk in the meekness of my Spirit, and you shall have peace in me. I am Jesus Christ.” Learn, listen, and walk—three steps with a promise." I hope that you will be able to read and see the great lessons, teachings, and relationship between these two talks.
I also want to invite you to think about the example of Adam. He made the decision to follow every command of the lord and that brought power and protection against the very same satan that was trying to pull them down.
I love you all so much,
Elder Packham
July 4th - The Trinity
I want to share with you all something that I was studying recently. Its something so basic that sometimes I think we take for granted its in respect to our divine lineage. The other day my companion and I were talking about the christian attributes that we have in the church (my companion is a convert from a 7 day adventist christian church) he made the comment that sometimes we are very light about certain things. So that got me thinking why do we live somethings but not all things that the lord has asked of us. I recieved something in my heart, it has everything to do with how we see go, our friends of other faith sometimes maintain a very high level of obedience for Godly fear. Its not bad to have a light fear of the lord but to see him in his completeness is even more valuable.
I was reading in a talk by Bonnie L Oscarson called
Do I Believe? I love that she helps us all see that its important that what we know gets to our hearts. She also askes several questions that invited me to do some serious reflection. "Do we sometimes become so accustomed to the blessings we have been given as members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints that we fail to fully comprehend the miracle and majesty of discipleship in the Lord’s true Church? Are we ever guilty of being complacent about the greatest gift we can be offered in this life?" I want to invite you all to think about this questions and answer them honestly then do something about it. Act upon your faith and see that the lord will bless you for your decision.
Something else that I was looking at that I really liked was about
knowing the godhead its a talk from Elder Holland to new mission presidents. There are so many great things that he teaches us here that I really love one of the things that I liked best was, "The Prophet Joseph Smith said, “It is the first principle of thegospel to know for a certainty the character of God.”Furthermore, he added, “I want you all to know Him, and to befamiliar with Him.” We must have “a correct idea of his …perfections, and attributes” and an admiration for “the excellency of [His] character.”" And thats literally just the beginning of his talk! He really does help us think and learn about the godhead in such a beautiful way. I want us to think about our relationship with God. Its something so basic but if we understand him and our relationship with him everything will go a lot more smoothly in our lives.
Elder Packham

June 27th - New Area Let's Go
So my new area is very different thats for sure. You could say that I had grown to love Tultepec immensely so this change is going to be a bit harder than normal even to get used to. What can I tell you about my area? Its in one of the nicer zones in the mission so we have access to alot the things that we could need. The down side is that the people here are a lot faster paced they dont seem to have time for God in there lives. This will be an interesting couple of transfers, I know the lord has something for me to learn here.
Something that I have been studying that I really like that I want to share with you is about the nature of God. Who is God for you? Is it someone that you could recognize and say that you were trying to be like him? I`ve been studying: Ether 3:11-13
11 And the Lord said unto him: Believest thou the words which I shall speak?
12 And he answered: Yea, Lord, I know that thou speakest the truth, for thou art a God of truth, and canst not lie.
13 And when he had said these words, behold, the Lord showed himself unto him, and said: Because thou knowest these things ye are redeemed from the fall; therefore ye are brought back into my presence; therefore I show myself unto you.
I just want to invite you all to think about what its saying here. We have a god of truth! What does that mean to you? I know what that means to me I have someone in which I can trust what a great blessing. He will not lie every promise that he makes with us is eternal if we live worthy of it. (Shout out to the newly Mr. and Mrs. Packham) I want to invite you all to study what it means to have a God of truth and then write me and tell me what that means to you. I love you all so much I know that if you go beyond just typical lecture that this can be something truly edifying for you.
Love you all so much,
Congrats Jacob Daniel.
Elder Packham
My new companion Elder Trinidad from the Dominican Republic

June 20th - BlessingsWhat can I say about this week. Well it was change week and I didnt want to go at all. I know that the lord has a bigger plan than I have so I will be headed to Atizapan tomorrow. This sunday was such a blessing we had 15 investigators come to church this week and 14 of them have dates for the next month. I know that I have done my all in this area if I was blessed to stay I now we can do more but I want to let other missionaries have the opportunities to learn what I have learned.
Something that I was thinking about this week was an example I´ve seen by a member here. I want to ask you all when was the last time you went out with the missionaries? I would invite you to go out with the missionaries thats when you grow and you can be edified even more. So about this member something that he does that isnt super obvious but super helpful is that he goes with the intention to help the investigator and the missionaries. I invite you to help your missionaries with there investigators but also with there mission were just scared young men trying our darndest to be representatives of jesus christ how crazy is that. Help them, serve them and love them. The work will flourish as we begin to work and build the lords kingdom together.
Something else that I want to share with you all is that the lord is inviting all of us to change/repent. Every single day we have the opportunity to change, repent and come closer to the lord. You can do it I will testify of that because I am doing it here in my mission. I invite others to come unto christ but they can only begin when they see how close we are. Become converted, Become a true disciple of christ and the miracles happen. Invite your friends to church and then like one sister in our ward did tell them its at 8 and wait for an hour outside there house so you can both get there at 9. Go the second mile thats what the lord is asking of us.
I love you all.
Elder Packham
Bautismo de Freddy
Despues nuestros cortes de pello

June 13th - Baptism of Freddy
So something that I've been meditating on was about the power of prayer. There's a passage in chapter 4 of preach my gospel that I really like, it says that our prayers influence our actions. I was so taken aback by the that statement, how are our prayers? I know that when I first got to the mission they were so sincere and so diligent now through the mission they had changed. However Im in charge of my destiny so I've been changing the way that I talk to the lord. I can not express the difference that it has made in my life.
Something that I have been meditating in a lot is Mosiah 4:10-13 this scripture along with the hymns that go with it really helped me. I really enjoy that we have so much hope in this life we are not alone in anything here in this life. The lord is so great he's done so much for us. I mean I think about all the greatest expressions of love that I've seen they all require a sacrifice. The word sacrifice I think that when you really love someone it isnt a sacrifice at all. I really hope that we all can feel his love and recognize the sacrifices that he's made for us.
What more can I say be righteous, love the lord and write me!
Elder Packham

June 6th - Imperfections
So you might be wondering why I chose this topic for my email this week. Something that I've been spending a lot of time contemplating this week was where I am in my spiritual progression. I now how 16 months in the mission which is more than a lot of missionaries here in the field right now. I think about where I was when I got here and where I am now, where I envisioned myself before and where I envision myself now. The differences are incredible that's the truth. Something our mission president said this last mission council caught my potential he said that we don't understand our potential and how truly great it really is.
My companion shared with me a talk this week that I want to share with you. It really helped me to better understand what I must do to improve. I'm not sure if you are all aware but sometimes I can be a bit of a perfectionist and that has been a hindrance in my progression. So I really hope that you can all read this talk
That's how the light gets in because its help me get to the approximate that I need to begin my spiritual changing process.
Also I want to share with you all something that I have been chewing on lately the first is a scripture that someone sent me in Alma 7:22-25. I spent a lot of time wondering why they sent this scripture and something that came to me in our ward family home evening was Alma 13:27-29. Its time to ask and receive divine help so we can grow and become how god sees us.
I love you all with all my heart,
Elder Packham
May 30- Trio!!!
So we are now three missionaries here in Tultepec!!! Let me explain what that means just a little bit. That means that a Elder in our zone went home so now we are with his companion. This companionship was in charge of 2 wards so now we are are going to work in the three wards. We are going to be working as hard as we can in as many places as we can. There is a song called "oh elderes de isreal" It says that the soldiers are few and thats the truth. What does that mean for us right now as missionaries, it means that everyone of us needs to be like Moroni.
There have been so many things in me that have changed in this time. I cant even explain it, its the most interesting time in our lives. We change so much and yet it seems like the time just passes by in a flash.
Something that I've been meditating on this week was a talk in the womens session of general conference, What shall we do- Niel F Marriot. Emma Smith said, “I desire the Spirit of God to know and understand myself, that I might be able to overcome whatever of tradition or nature that would not tend to my exaltation.” Her desire is my desire as well and I hope that its the desire of everyone of you as well. The lord has so much in store for us its really up to us to take the next step and change so that we can reach that potential. I know that it we trust in him that we can do great things, I invite you to read 2 Nephi 4.
I love you all so much!
May 23rd - Communication
So this week has been pretty great to be honest. We were able to baptize our miracle contact Ivan and it was the best experience ever. His family that at one point were about to kick him out of his house showed up to support him! If you don't remember Ivan is the young man that we found outside the church where they shouted to greet us. The coolest thing is listening to Ivan pray he knows that he is talking to the lord and that's the best of all. That's why I wanted to talk about communication in my email this week.
I will explain why I got thinking about this subject. One member came with us to teach Ivan before he got baptized and made a comment that has stuck with me this week. He said, "He will not go astray because he prays like he is talking to his father in heaven. If they know how to pray they will never go astray because they know where to go for there answers." It made me think about how true that statement is there is one source and if we know how to go there and be edified we will be okay. Do you talk to your heavenly father regularly? Do you know the god is your heavenly father? I know that I can answer yes to these questions. Now I ask: Are your prayers edifying? Do you feel the spirit as you pray? I want to invite you to think on that. I think that personally I could be better.
We talked about communication in our priesthood class this week, well it was a lesson on marriage but for me it was about communication. They talked about how many problems we can see in a matrimony and read 1 Corinthians 13:1-8 in relation with the theme. It was interesting to me how Pablo first talked about talking. Its the bases for all that we do in this life and in the life to come.
I want to invite you all to communicate better. Its an invitation a little strange but it has great blessing that's what I can promise. Communicate better with the lord and communicating better with everyone else will come into order.
Elder Packham
We are not alone.
May 16th- Doctrine of Christ
What to say about this week other than that I really love the work! We have being working a lot more with the members in our ward and its been a great blessing to us. I want to invite you all to go out with the missionaries it will bless you and those that the missionaries are teaching.
In my studies lately Ive been meditating a lot about the doctrine of christ. The world wide broadcast that they did for all the missionaries they talked about this topic and it really hit me recently. In our mission our Vision before was that we are mission of the doctrine of christ. I was thinking about what Doctrine did christ teach it was really simple wasnt it Faith, Repentance, Baptism, Receiving the gift of the holy ghost, and Enduring to the end. Simple. To be honest I really feel like we need to stop trying to teach our own "human" doctine and teach what he taught! Simple and beautiful, and complex and exciting thats what the gospel is but we need to let it be complex to us and teach it simply, beautifully so it can be exciting for them.
I want to invite you all to think about why nephi listened to his father in 1 nephi 3:7. I want to be like Christ but nephi is still pretty cool! I know that sometimes its hard to do things that you know you should do and I mean that, sometimes its really hard. We talked about it in our gospel principles class that sometimes it means sacrifice. What is sacrifice, it seems like something painful that we have to do, but in Spanish it meant sanctify. I loved it sacrifice is the process of becoming holy thats what the lord asks not something painful just give something to him and you are on that process.
I love you all, make the sacrifice start the process,
Elder Packham
May 9th - What a Wonderful World
So something that I have been meditating a lot on this week was a scripture that president sent in his letter.1 john 4:19 "We love him, because he first loved us." I want to invite you to ponder that for just one second what would the world be like if we lived and applied that to everyone that we meet. How often in our lives are we waiting for love? How often do we say when they change the way they treat me then I will change the way I feel about them. I want to tell you all that's not what the Lord asks of us. That would mean we are completely conditional on those around us to determine how we feel what we do and everything and the lord does not want that.
I have been trying my hardest to apply this principle in my life this week and I want to tell you all that its changed the way that I see the world. I world is so different when we go out of our way to love it. The things that we do daily because so much more beautiful, the set backs become moments to enjoy more fully other things. I think that all we can do is do our best to enjoy the little things that make our lives special.
I want to share with you all what happened this week as we were trying to figure out where we were going to eat because a member had forgotten that today was there day. ( She remembered later and worked it out with us no worries) We were leaving her neighborhood when two people shout Elders! We turn and see an older couple that were behind us we start talking to us and it turns out that they are members that have been looking for the church for two months. The lord really puts us where we need to be in the right moment we just have to be willing.
I invite you all to ponder in that scripture and apply it.
I love you all,
Elder Packham

May 2nd - Truly Helping
What does it mean to truly help someone? That's a question that I have been meditating on. I have been trying to think about all the people in my life that have truly helped me. I think that the conclusion that I have come to is that like the lord we have to be who we really are. It comes through us having integrity and sincere, that's how the lord is and that's how we must be as well. I know that I'm not perfect but I just want to be who I am and reflect the lords love to those around us. Sometimes we don't understand what the lord is asking, what we should do is start acting.
I truly love that the lord will not change based the people he will help the people that hes around change. If I could accomplish one thing in these two years it would have to be that I become more like Christ. If we all working on being more like our savior we would need more missionaries for all the people that would want to be baptized. I love a saying that get used a lot here, We always preach and sometimes we use our words. I love you all and know that you are all trying so hard to shine to those around you. I would just like to invite you to think about what more can you do, whether its big or small.
What more can I say? I just want you all to know how much I love you all. I want you to know that you can write to me anytime and that I will be here for you.
Love Elder Packham
April 25th - Miracle Week
So this week we had the amazing opportunity to see a family that had been waiting for over a year to be baptized enter into this covenant. The father cried with such emotion as he came out of the water. I will never forget how much this moment meant to him, it wasn't just something that he wanted to do but he truly understood the great privilege and blessing that he was having the opportunity to participate in. This family is a family is united in something, that thing being the lord and his gospel. Every Sunday they have a 3 hour family home evening where all they do is talk about the things that they have learned and studied during the week. They have such a light about them its impossible to deny.
The other picture is of Gabriel. He is one of my friends in heaven that I said that I would find here on earth. I love this big softy with all my heart he was just waiting for us to come by and share with him what the lord needed said. I know that my experience with my dad was for a lot of things one of them was to strengthen my testimony about what fatherhood really is. I know my dad wasn't perfect but I know he tried his very best and left nothing back.
I don't really have a lot of time I could like to invite you all to read again the Book of Mormon. I know that this book changes lives, if we let it. I, like nephi, don't know everything but I do know that God loves us and sees us how we can become not as how we are. I invite you all to meditate on how God sees you and think about what you need to do to get there.
Love you all,
Elder Packham

April 18th - Sabbath Day Delight
I want to share with you all what I felt/learned this Sunday there were so many things. I want to share with you all something that I have been meditating on this week. I have had the misfortune to have had to many "boring" meeting in my life so I came thinking what do I need to do and learn this time. I'm not saying that its not important that the speakers prepare, Im saying its even more important that we prepare ourselves.
A question that I loved this Sunday was are we looking through a mirror or a window? I know that many times in my life I look through a mirror and not a window. I want to see other people but I feel like I have sometimes been stuck on all the errors that I have personally. That's not the way! We must act, we must serve, we must step into the darkness. Our time that we have to serve is so short we must make the most of it and I\m not just talking about the mission.
Something else I would like to share is that the lord loves us. We will face challenges and trials and many things but that doesn't mean that we aren't loved. I want you to all know that, its one of the most commonly asked questions here in the mission. I know that if we go to God in those moments he will teach and testify to all of us the reason for everything that we are going through.
I wish that I could share with you all, all the things that I have learned in this time but I think the best way to share is to see my example. I love you all so much and I know that the lord will change us if we let him.
I might not know the meaning of all things but I know god loves us.
Elder Packham
April 11th - Moving like crazy
So this week you could say has been a little hectic. We had to close two houses in our zone because we dont have enough missionaries to cover those areas with a pair of missionaries. So today we had a huge move where we put all that stuff in our little tiny apartment. Ill send you a foto of how it looks right now with all the new stuff that we have. You could say that its been a little crazy.
Alright to things that are a little more spiritual. So this week I have been meditating in the saviour perhaps more than ever before. I really wonder how is it even possible that one day I could come close to someone that was so perfect. I came to the conclusion that apart from faith its necessary that we have something else, Integrity. I think that its one of the areas that I have struggled with most throughout my life. I doubt that I am the only one. How often do we allow people to see us as we truly are? I loved a quote that I found in a byu talk that I found, "becoming men and women of integrity" Hes says that integrity is what we would do if no one including god was watching us. I want to invite you to meditate in that. Luckily God is always watching us as a loving father but even if he wasnt what would we be doing?
I know a little bit better who I am because Ive learned the importance of this divine principle. Im still working on it but at the very least I can say that I will progress and change if I am honest with my self and work on the things that the lord has given me. Theres a chapter in the teachings of Howard W. Hunter that I would like to invite you all to read.
And the byu talk.
I love you all, I want to invite you to think about the saviour this week and see what you learn.
Elder Packham
April 4th - Coming Down the Mountain
So this week was a bit stressful but I have to say that I have learned so many things. Conference was truly amazing I dont know what to say other than I know these men are truly called of God. I just want you all to know that my love for the savior has increased so much. The more I understand what he has done for me the more I love him and appreciate his sacrifice. Somethings that I wanted to share with you all is that there is nothing impossible to those that believe in him and his atonement.
So I want to share with you all a miracle that I´ve seen in these last few days. Its about a man named Gabriel. So he started his family listening to the missionaries ten years ago. The thing is that he was never baptized. So the other day we stopped by my companion and I, we shared with him the song that my family sang before my dad passed away. I felt the impression to share with him about my dad something that I don't talk about to much on the mission. He shared that is the kind of dad that he wanted to be to his children. The spirit was so strong, a couple days later as we came back he shared that he called his coach and said that he wont play football on Sundays. He now is working so hard so that he can be baptized on the last Saturday of this week.
Something that Gabriel had to do that each and every one of us has to do is see what are the "golden calfs" in our lives and getting rid of them. I know that we all have them sometimes we refuse to see them but they are there. I loved Elder Hollands talk as he said that as these men came back down they were disappointed to see the people had chosen to follow idols. We just finished conference but it doesn't mean that we have to go back to our Idols.
I want to invite you all to increase your faith in our savior Jesus Christ. I know that as we start to do this the lord will bless us to start changing our lives and do the things that he asks of us. What can you do to increase your faith?
I love you all, Listen to conference,
Elder Packham
Fotos from touring the cathedral here in Tultepec and statues here from local artesans
March 28th - Follow Him
Are you following him in your life?
What do you need to change?
March 21st - Follow Him
I have the power to decide who I am because of who he was!
Elder Packham
March 14th - Hello long lost friends!
So what can I tell you about this week? Its been full of things that I have learned from the lord through my companion. I just want you to know that the lord really wants to be us at all times!
Something thats so truly special is that we have the opportunity have him at our sides. I want you all to know that the lord will always give us our free agency I have felt so humbled these last few weeks.
One spiritual experience that I want to share with you is when I felt the lord guide me this week. So sunday we were working as hard as we could to see as many people as we could. Out of the blue we recieve a call from a member that says "hey can we go on divisions?" (those of you that dont know that means he goes with one of us and we go with someone else) So of course we said yes! I felt so strongly I needed to go see a sister and we went. As we entered the home we could immediately tell why we needed to be there. She shared with us some amazing things that she has seen and she shared with a us a bunch of people that needed our help.
On a little less spiritual side my companion totally kicked a dead rat at me. I better explain a little bit better than that so we play a game here in the streets. Here in mexico there are a bunch of rocks and garbage in the street so we always try and kick it in between the feet of our companions. My companion thought that it would be funny and totally hit me with a rat. Such is the life as a missionary haha.
I would just like to invite you all to ask what the lord wants you to change. I know that the lord will answer but it depends on you if you will act. I would love to hear what he said and how its going.
The fotos are when we climbed a mountain in my companions old area cause we were visiting. I about died..
Elder Packham

March 7th-Quema de los torros de tultepec
So this week was a great week. I was so great to learn so many things about the myself, the lord, and the people in this area. So something that I learned about myself is that I have a lot of things that I can and should change. Its hard not to be discouraged or say that we have so many things that are facing us how in the world could we ever do it. Dont get me confused we shouldnt seek to dull ourselves so we dont change anything but we should ask for specific guidance. I know that the lord will help us find something that will really make a difference heck it might be many things.
I want to share with you all something that we were able to see this week. I know that lord puts us where we need to be when we need to be there. Some things you learn in gloriously beautiful ways and somethings you look back on and think well shoot I could´ve done that better. I love that the lord will help us learn either way. So we went on divisions and we had all our appointments cancelled so what do we do? We pray and the lord guides us.
Something else that I learned this week was about the importance of sacrifice. So the other day we were running a little late because our lunch appointment forgot we were coming so yeah.. We had two minutes till our next appointment with a lady and it was insanely far away so what do we do? We run, I would like to say that it was an all out sprint the whole way there and up the hill but that wouldnt be true to the slightly round form that I have been developing here. So went huffing and puffing to get there and we knocked the door and were able to share an amazing lesson with them (granted after a little cool down haha) about sacrifice. I didnt want to run my natural man said that I didnt need to run that she would understand that we were late to not worry. But no! Thats not gods plan we are his servants and she needed us. I love how the lord teaches and I love seeing the lessons that hes trying to give us.
I love you all I want to invite you to read Mosiah 3:19 and Helaman 3:35 with new eyes.
Elder Packham

February 29th - Hello from Tultepec
So I've been wondering what I would like to tell you about this week... I think that if would have to be about all the little miracles that we have been seeing here in our area. I know that the lord blesses those that are willing to serve him. He wants to bless us with all the blessings that we can but sometimes we don't do what it takes to receive them.
Something that was so sweet to see this week was our ward organizing to help an elderly man. His name is Alberto and hes basically exiled from his family, an ex missionary here has been paying for him to eat from weeks. This last week however he got the bishop involved and they took him to a doctor, it turns out that he has had diabetes for the last 10 years and hasn't been helping it because he doesn't eat like he should because he has nothing really. Now the whole ward is organizing to bring him food every day so that he will eat well its truly inspiring. Hes a convert that they almost all see as the sweet old grampa that just has a huge spirit.
I know that the lord has huge plans for this area! We also have been teaching a little 9 year old girl that is the daughter of a member that is married to someone that isnt a member. She planned that we start planning the daughter and the husband would get interested and start listening and it WORKED!! haha He told us that he had a dream and saw his grandma and his mom that had passed away in a dream and they said to stop crying and wait for something that will come to the door that will help. He said the first thing that he thought about was us! He wants to be baptized!
I would like to ask you all to keep praying that I will have the gift of tounges and that the lord will keep changing the hearts of the people here I love you all so much!
Elder Packham
Us playing make shift mini golf
When we bought our cereal for this month! hahah

February 22nd - Back to the City
So what can I say about this last week its been super different. I went from little tiny town to big city from one week to the next. It was having very few investigators to having so much work to do its crazy. I love where I am at and am learning so much from my companion. This is his last transfer in the mission and hes still going strong! 2 years go by so fast and we have the opportunity to learn and do so much with this time.
Something that I want to share with you all is something that I have been studying this week. I´ve been looking at the importance of virtue as a personal attribute in our lives. When we develop this attribute we have the opportunity to see ourselves and others as they truly are. The thing that I have been most impressed with is that the lord really answers sincere prays. Something that I did this week was ask what must I change and the lord clearly and strongly told me so there wouldnt be any misunderstanding. Its something truly lovely and powerful the only thing I could say is that if you are going to ask you better be prepared for an answer.
I want to share with you all something that I learned in Moses 5 and what we should do as members. Its so interesting the way that Adam chose to handle his expulsion from the garden of eden. I can see that what we need to do as members is be obedient and give it the best that we can the lord will teach us through the process. Adam learned a lot of things by being obedient to the lord and giving it his best until he understood why.
I know that Im not perfect and I doubt that I will ever be perfect while Im here on this fallen world. I just know that I will give it my best, its so common of us as members to get down on ourselves but thats not what the lord wants. I have so many things that I need to change but I will change them not by myself but with the lord.
I love you all so much,
Dont forget who you are,
Elder Packham
My companion and I
Divisions we did my first week in the area.... Can you say LOST? haha