Thursday, March 12, 2015

With Steadfast Faith in Christ

And it is exactly that FAITH that has led us here.

Michael received a call to serve as a representative of the Lord, Jesus Christ, in Mexico, Mexico City North for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

Have you ever heard the analogy about the mustard seed and faith?  In Matthew 17:20 and Luke 27:6, it says, "If you have faith as a grain of a mustard seed, nothing shall be impossible unto you." What you don't usually hear is that as that seed grows, it is literally torn apart in the process.  And so it is with the FAITH that led us here.... it tore us apart and then we grew.  It is and was miraculous.  Now, I say we - because I truly feel as though I was on that journey with Michael.

I am proud of Michael. All people when faced with their demons, have a choice.  Having a choice is something that all of us will always have - free will.  It is a gift from our Father.  The ability to choose in any given situation.

Without getting into all the details, I can tell you that Michael's first mission call came in just over 2 years ago.  Obviously he did not go 2 years ago....but as I told Michael, those 2 years turned him into a spiritual giant!!!  Most missionaries learn about the atonement on their missions by watching it applied in others lives... well, Michael learned it by going through his own journey.  His testimony is incredible!!!

So Michael entered the Mexico CCM (MTC) on February 4th.  I believe, without a doubt, that there is a great purpose in Mexico for Michael.  Think about it... the Lord is still sending him there.  There is clearly something to be done that can only be done by Michael.  I am excited for him and his journey.

Michael has one brother who just returned from a two-year mission on January 31st and another that left on his mission on January 28th.  The conversations that I have had with my RM(returned missionary) is that the greatest conversion on your mission will be your own.  That is not to say that they are serving without a testimony, they are clearly not.  It is to say that thier mission is between them and the Lord.  He will use them during this time to shape their lives and others.  It will be a joy to witness.

I will be posting about Michael's mission off and on.  Feel free to follow along!

For Michael:
Press forward, Elder Packham, with steadfast faith in Christ,
With hope's bright flame alight in heart and mind,
With love of God and love of all mankind.

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