Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Maintaining an Eternal Perspective

July 13th

So this week has been an interesting one. It’s amazing how much your personal study of the scriptures can influence your whole day. I have been studying what an investigator needs in order to have the courage to change and accept the gospel in their life. This is something that we all must find-not just people that are interested in the Church. Elder Bednar said that if we aren’t changing we aren’t progressing and it’s true. The Lord’s plan for us is to change and to be better for the purpose of eventually returning to live with Him. If we choose to just maintain the status quo and not push ourselves to be better we will wake up tomorrow unchanged, unimproved, and ultimately unfulfilled.

I love this gospel and I know that I am changed from what I was years ago. I love that when I feel like I am alone or struggling that I can pray and receive the comfort of our savior Jesus Christ! I want you all to feel that same peace so that is why I write this email. I hope that I don’t come across as preachy but in reality that is my job every day, to declare the gospel. 

So back to eternal perspective. What is eternal perspective? It’s realizing where we came from, why we are here and where we are going. Most importantly it’s realizing that Heavenly Father sees us from the principio into the eternities, complete. For example a truth that I know that helps me every day is that before this life I chose the plan of Jesus Christ and I accepted that he would be my Savior. Along with that I accepted that this life would be in my own hands that I have the ability to choose liberty and eternal life or temporary happiness in the now. I have faith that God knows and loves me and He will do everything in His power to help me reach my eternal goals.

Sometimes we get sucked in to Satan’s plan and start to stress the chooses that we are going to have to make. The trick is that we shouldn’t worry! I’m not saying that we shouldn’t do anything I’m saying that we should do all we can and turn our worries over to god because they won’t profit us anything. I want to share with you all Philippians 4:6-9 do all that you can praying to god and look for the best things and do what Christ did and you will find your guidance in that.

Here is a link to a talk entitled:
Maintaining an Eternal Perspective

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